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Working with my advisor

Message Center

Message Center is a message service that allows you to send and receive secure messages with your financial advisor, members of your advisor's practice and members of your account groups.

Frequently asked questions

How do I access Message Center?

To access Message Center, a primary email address must be listed in Profile. You can add or update your primary email address in Contact Information in Profile.

Who can I send messages to using Message Center?

You can send messages to your financial advisor, members of your advisor's practice and members of your account groups.

Can I access Message Center if I share an email with another member of my account/household group?

Yes, but only one of you can list that email as your primary email address (it may be listed as a secondary email). This is because Message Center is used to securely send and receive messages containing confidential information.


You can update both your primary and secondary email addresses in Contact Information in Profile.

How will I know if I receive a secure message?

You will be notified in two ways if you receive a message:

  1. An email notification will be sent to the primary email address listed in your Profile. 
  2. An alert will appear in the messages drop-down in the main navigation.
Can I send attachments?

Yes, attachments can be added to messages with a total file size limit of 20 MB. You will be notified if files that you are trying to attach exceed the size limit. Larger files can be shared in the Uploaded Files section of Documents.

Where can I find my financial advisor's email address?

Your advisor's email address is included in your Contacts list in Message Center. Selecting your advisor’s email address will start a new message from you to your advisor.

Will I still get emails from my financial advisor at my personal email account?

Yes, you might still get emails from your advisor at your personal email account. For example, if your advisor is sending a quick question or follow-up note that doesn't include private information, that email might go to your personal email account without requiring you to log in to Message Center to view it.

How long can I view my messages in Message Center?

Messages will remain in Message Center for a period of 5 years. Messages older than 5 years will be automatically deleted. You can manually delete your messages any time.

Why aren't my messages showing up in Message Center?

There are two reasons you may not see your messages:

  1. Messages are automatically deleted from Message Center after 5 years.
  2. If you change your primary email address in your profile, messages you've sent or received in Message Center might take a few minutes to display.
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