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Working with my advisor

Document storage and sharing

Use Documents to view and share files securely with your advisor and other members of your account groups.

Documents and other files you upload are for reference only and are not official records. You should retain the original versions of your files as official files of record.

Frequently asked questions

Who can view the files I upload?

The following people can view your files if you choose to share your files with them:

  • Your advisor(s)
  • Other members of your household group

Fiduciaries to whom you have granted access to your accounts are unable to view/share files.

In order to adequately supervise and review advisor recommendations, Ameriprise Financial reserves the right to access and view any information that is uploaded, stored and shared with your advisor.  Accordingly, you understand and agree that when you use these features to share information with your advisor, you are also sharing that information with Ameriprise Financial and its employees in order for them to properly supervise advisor-client interactions.

Can I rename a file after I have uploaded it?

Yes, you can rename a file by selecting Edit in the file actions menu. You can update the file name and add a description.

How do I delete a file I've uploaded?

To remove a file from your view, select Delete in the file actions menu.

Please be advised that Ameriprise Financial will save and archive any documentation that has been shared with your advisor, other employee or Ameriprise Financial representative, even if you remove the documentation from your view.

If I accidentally delete a file, can I get it back?

No, files you remove are not retrievable, so you should always retain the original versions of your files as official files of record. Documents and other files you upload are for reference only.

Are there any types of files I can't remove?

You cannot remove files provided to you through the Ameriprise corporate office, such as account statements, tax statements, financial confirmations, shareholder documents, documents requiring your electronic signature, and administrative documents. These documents will remain available online according to the existing timelines for each.

You can remove shared files and folders from your view, but they will remain available to their owners and anyone else they have been shared with.

How do I rename a folder I created?

In the Uploads section, navigate to the folder you’d like to rename and select Edit.

How do I delete a folder I've created?

In the Uploads section, select the folder you would like to delete. Select the folder options menu in the page header, then select Delete. Only empty folders can be deleted.

Are there any types of folders I can't remove?

You can’t remove folders provided by default:

  • eSignatures
  • Account Statements
  • Tax Documents
  • Financial Confirmations
  • Administrative Documents
  • Shareholder Documents
  • Uploads
    • Includes Uploaded Files and Personal Vault

You can remove from your view files that are shared with you, but they will remain available to their owners and anyone else the files were shared with.

How do I share files?

There are two ways to share files:

  • When you’re uploading a file, use the links in the "Share with" column.
  • After you upload a file, use the links in "Share status" column.
Are there any files that I can't share?

There are two kinds of files that can’t be shared:

  • Shareholder documents and documents that require your electronic signature can only be shared if you save them to your computer and then upload them to Documents.
  • Files that are attached to accounts on which you are a fiduciary, but not an owner, can’t be uploaded and shared.
Are there any files I’m not allowed to upload?

As a security measure, certain file types, like .zip files, will be blocked for upload. Files that contain anything prohibited are not allowed for upload. See “FEATURES FOR WORKING WITH YOUR ADVISOR ONLINE” in the User Agreement. Prohibited files will be deleted and your access to file sharing may be terminated.

Once I've shared a file with someone, how can I remove it from their view?

To remove access from an advisor or member of your household group, delete the file from your Uploads (this will remove access for everyone so ensure you save a copy before deleting). If needed, you can re-upload and re-share the file with others.

To remove access from a third party, select Shared in the line with the file name then select “remove access.” Access for third parties is removed automatically after 30 days.

Can other people make changes to or remove my shared files?

Only you can make changes to your original files. The people you share with can save copies of your files and then make changes to those copies. Advisors and members of your household group can remove shared files from their own view but not from yours. Third parties can’t remove shared files from their view.

How will people know if I share a file with them?

An email will be sent to your advisor and members of your household groups telling them a file was shared with them. They will also see an alert when they log in to the secure site. The alert is visible for up to 60 days or until they visit their Documents page.

For third parties (outside of Ameriprise) an email will be sent with instructions to sign in or register to view the shared file.

If my advisor or someone else shares a file with me, will I be notified?

You will receive an email notification when your advisor or other members of your account group share a file with you. You will also see a document alert in the navigation when you log in to the secure site. The alert will remain visible for 60 days or until you visit your Documents page.

Files that are shared with you will show a Shared icon next to the name indicating you are not the owner of the file. Shared folders will show a Shared icon next to the name and have a Shared Folder icon indicating you are not the owner of the folder.

How does third-party sharing work?

You can share files with people outside of Ameriprise, such as accountants, attorneys, and family members who aren’t Ameriprise clients.

Note: Fiduciaries who have access to your accounts can’t view or share your uploaded files, but they can view your tax documents, statements and confirmations.

Will my advisor see which files I share with a third party, or be notified if I do?


Can I share files with multiple people?

Yes, but each person must be added separately.

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