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Bill Pay

Our online bill payment service* gives you a hassle-free solution to paying bills. It is available for clients with an Ameriprise ONE® Financial Account.

*Online bill pay is provided through CheckFree Services Corporation, a subsidiary of Fiserv Solutions, Inc. Representatives from Ameriprise Financial are available at 800.862.7919.

Frequently asked questions

Who can use online bill pay?

Clients listed as owners of the Ameriprise ONE® Financial Account can use online bill pay.

How do I enroll in online bill pay?

Option 1: Go to Transfers & Tools and select Bill Pay from the menu. If you are eligible you will be given the option to enroll on the Bill Pay webpage.

Option 2: Go to your Overview page and select your Ameriprise ONE® Financial Account or SPS Advantage Account. Select "Bill Pay" in the Available Actions dropdown menu. You will then see the Bill Pay web page. Select Bill Pay again and you will be asked to review and accept the following bill pay agreements:

  • Bill Pay terms and conditions
  • Privacy Policy

Once accepted, you will see the Bill Pay payment center where you can set up your billers and schedule payments.

How do I update my contact information for online bill pay?

Please contact Customer Service at 800.862.7919 to update your online bill pay contact information.

Note: Changes you make in Contact Information in your Profile will not carry over to online bill pay.

What can I do with online bill pay?

If you have an Ameriprise ONE® Financial Account or SPS Advantage with Ameriprise ONE Financial Account features, you can use bill pay to:

  • Schedule individual payments or pay multiple payees at one time.
  • Set up recurring payments.
  • Sign up for eBills, which allows you to receive many bills online.
What is the CheckFree Guarantee?

The CheckFree Guarantee means that:

  • Your liability for unauthorized transactions will be no more than $50 if you notify CheckFree properly within two business days of when you initially suspect fraud.
  • CheckFree will bear the responsibility for any late-payment-related charges (up to $50) should a payment arrive late.
How do I unenroll from online bill pay?

To unenroll from online bill pay, go to Bill Pay, select unenroll from Bill Pay and then follow the steps to unenroll.

What happens if I unenroll from online bill pay?

If you unenroll from online bill pay, you will no longer be able to access the free service from Ameriprise Financial sites. Also, any pending or recurring payments will be canceled. However, your history will be saved for six months should you decide to re-enroll later.

If you decide to re-enroll, go to Bill Pay from the Transfers & Tools menu, or go to your Ameriprise ONE® Financial Account or SPS Advantage Account with ONE Financial Account features page and select Bill Pay in the Available Actions dropdown menu.

What does online bill pay cost?

There is no cost to use online bill pay.

Who should I call if I am having problems using online bill pay?

Contact customer service at 800.862.7919 for help using online bill pay.

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